Becoming a Patient...
If you are interested in working with me, please complete the following steps:
1. Complete intake form: incomplete forms will not be accepted. Please complete entirely to the best of your ability.
2. Sign waiver, parental agreement and financial responsibility forms.
3. Click "BOOK" in the upper right hand corner and select an available date and time on the calendar for your appointment. All times shown on the calendar should be set to your specific location. If you do not see a time that works for your schedule, please email me directly and I would be happy to try and accommodate something that meets your needs.
4. Make 50% non-refundable deposit at the time of booking, no appointments will be held without a deposit.
5. Send all previous labs to Becky@ASDhealthcoach.com at least 48 hours prior to appointment date.
6. All appointments will be held via phone call. If you live within the US, I will call you directly. If you are an international patient, I can accommodate a phone call via WhatsAPP or Facebook messenger, whichever you prefer.